The time has come to finally share with the world some of what I’ve been musically working on for the past 3 years. It is a rather ambitious project that spans two albums worth of music and some other art adventures that will keep me occupied for some time. But the world is crazier than ever now and I figured it would be good to try something new and start releasing some of this material out into the wild.
The first thing I am going to share with you are the three songs that begin the forthcoming album entitled A Chronicle of Midnights. These songs really set the stage for the project and are available for free streaming and download via
These songs were recorded in my home studio. I played most things, although the first song, “Bright New Thing” features David Thompson on bass guitar. He recorded this so long ago he probably has forgotten he did it! The recordings were then brought to life with the talented, patient engineering assistance of Phillip Bithell. Phil has been an integral part of the project for the past couple years, not only serving as audio engineer, but also a trusted sounding board for so much of the creative process. I really can’t thank him enough for all he has contributed to this endeavor.
I you find yourself thinking “This shit sounds great!” while listening to it, trust me, it’s because of Phil. He fixed plenty of my amateur home recording escapades.
The reason I’ve decided to release the songs kind of hodge-podge is a matter of timing, I guess. We should have been wrapping the entire thing up at this point, but the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which Phil and I have to operate down the final stretch of mixing and mastering. So why wait? People are home, people are bored… let’s start feeding them some songs here post-haste and drop the others as we get them done.
Warning: There is no “Shinny Happy People” stuff here. It is traumatically dark at times, and like many things these days, it takes on new meaning in the current crisis. For instance, “Teacup” is really scary in light of recent events. But it was penned in 2017.
Part of me wants to share with you all directly what this project is about, what the inspiration is and what it all means personally. I am not going to do that as of yet. It will all come together in time.
So mosey on over to and check out the first three songs. They are available for free streaming, but if you are inclined to buy them for a $1 or whatever, that is cool too. And of course, stay tunes. More to come….