SEVENTEEN ANGELS (track #7) was a song completed in the shadow of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Given we are on the cusp of this terrible event’s third anniversary, I though I should post about it here. It is a song of crisis and epiphany and is structured into…
Song Chronicles: CASSINI’s FALL
Time for another installment diving deep into the music of A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS. Today we get into CASSINI’S FALL (track #8). The premise of the song is based on an interview I heard once with Stephen Hawking in which he emphasized the importance of humans getting off of this rock if they want…
Song Chronicles: TEACUP
Continuing with my posts about the songs of A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS… today I’m tackling TEACUP (track #3). Best way I can describe the feeling of this idea is the overwhelming nausea of a teacup ride, like the Mad Hatter ride at Disney. That moment when you learn something really horrifying, like the instant you…
Song Chronicles: EMINENT GRACE
I hope you’ll pardon me as I drop some of these songs from A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS here and talk about them. EMINENT GRACE (track #2) is a song that has this underlying anti-religious institutonalism vibe to it, although not directly. Think of it as Galileo verse the Catholic Church. Or a big middle finger…
Prologue: The Appointment
I never splinter my mind into fractals of dark and light. It’s all just gray. There is no definition to it really. It’s all even. Everything is in balance. Until I reach out and feel the truth there. It is no longer a trick of light and shadow – it is real. Concrete. Tangible. And…