A long time ago in an interknit far, far away… I think I first ran across mentions of the Rowdy podcast on Jayski. They advertised on there and since I was an everyday user of Jayski’s NASCAR site, it had literally been branded into my head. We’re talking 2007. I remember going down to Homestead…
The Last Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Road Trip
Twenty years ago today, someone was flipping through the AM radio dial when we all heard it, clear as day, from the mouth of the preacher: “Sex me Jesus!” What was that? Did he just say “Sex me Jesus?” We laughed with hearty gusto for a couple miles as we zoomed through Crisp County, Georgia,…
The Underdog of 199th Street
Ferhat loved the trumpet. We played in Junior High band together and his passion was consuming him. “Maynard Ferguson, man – have you ever heard him play? He is amazing!” His excitement was infectious as he put on the record. “Listen to those high notes – He is the best ever!” Of course, I was…
VIDEO BLOG: The Accessible Studio Tour
I’m excited to bring you my first ever video blog. I figured I’d start out by giving you a tour of my home studio, complete with a bit of an explanation about how I get around using various assistive technologies like screen magnifiers and the like. Let me know what you think….
The Light of Elendil (or 10 Years Without Mine Eyes)
So 10 years ago today, I started losing my eyesight. This is kind of a weird thing to observe, as part of me is sad of course. Yet, there is this sense of time, and personal accomplishment. Look. This wasn’t an easy decade. But in the end, I feel like I came out the other…
Banana Grubs and Dirtbags: The Best College Nicknames
(Editor’s note: This entry is from my son Jeremy Zhen. I believe this is his first-ever blog entry of any kind beyond FB status updates.) I have made this for no particular reason. I was bored and I had free time. It has been a topic of discussion in my house for some time now….
Attack of the Killer Sponges
My youngest son, Cameron, had a student project in his middle school to make a little video inspired by his fears. The teach does this sort of assignment every year. I distinctly remember my older son’s production which entailed him being devoured in time-lapse fashion by rubber worms. But in the years since, I have…
Paratransit Travelogue
I should have written about these adventures long ago. It is something of a secret world, these Para-Transit adventures of mime. Let me explain with some background first. Para Transit services are available in Broward County, Florida where I live. PT services enable people like me, people with disabilities that prevent them from driving a…
Lisa’s Facebook Hell, Part 2
Ok, a big relief here in Zhenland as Lisa’s Facebook problem seems to have been solved. For real this time. As you may recall in my earlier post (here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/note.php?note_id=243171100520), we had some success logging on to her account last night, however brief. Shortly after logging on, we could no longer get in, receiving the…
Lisa’s Facebook Hell
This story begins with a warning: Make sure you have registered MULTIPLE EMAIL ADDRESSES with Facebook. And make sure that at least one of your email addresses is from one of the big email providers, like GMAIL, HOTMAIL, YAHOO etc. Why? Because this nightmare could be yours. Pass this around. Share it with others. And…