Words & music by George Zhen Every love story is a journeyBut not every love story is greatlAfter a couple of concerning conversationsI knew I had to make my great escape It’s not as if I never loved herIt’s not as if I didn’t careAffection turns to suffocationI knew I had to get right out…
The Racer X-Files: Halcyon Days
A long time ago in an interknit far, far away… I think I first ran across mentions of the Rowdy podcast on Jayski. They advertised on there and since I was an everyday user of Jayski’s NASCAR site, it had literally been branded into my head. We’re talking 2007. I remember going down to Homestead…
The Last Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Road Trip
Twenty years ago today, someone was flipping through the AM radio dial when we all heard it, clear as day, from the mouth of the preacher: “Sex me Jesus!” What was that? Did he just say “Sex me Jesus?” We laughed with hearty gusto for a couple miles as we zoomed through Crisp County, Georgia,…
The Collective Now
By now you realize that much of the OTHER WORLD COMPANION exhibit centers on creating unique moments in time that can’t be repeated. We are stressing the idea that this art is not designed to be consumed on demand – it is a constant live broadcast that the listener enters into and experiences simultaneously with…
Other World Companion: An Introduction
I have always wanted to do a music project that was entirely electronic in nature. A combination of synth work, field recordings and other ambient elements melded together into something dreamy or psychedelic. As a keyboard guy first, I grew up on the tones of Dolby, Kraftwerk and Brian Eno. So I figured some day…
SEVENTEEN ANGELS (track #7) was a song completed in the shadow of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Given we are on the cusp of this terrible event’s third anniversary, I though I should post about it here. It is a song of crisis and epiphany and is structured into…
Song Chronicles: CASSINI’s FALL
Time for another installment diving deep into the music of A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS. Today we get into CASSINI’S FALL (track #8). The premise of the song is based on an interview I heard once with Stephen Hawking in which he emphasized the importance of humans getting off of this rock if they want…
Song Chronicles: TEACUP
Continuing with my posts about the songs of A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS… today I’m tackling TEACUP (track #3). Best way I can describe the feeling of this idea is the overwhelming nausea of a teacup ride, like the Mad Hatter ride at Disney. That moment when you learn something really horrifying, like the instant you…
Song Chronicles: EMINENT GRACE
I hope you’ll pardon me as I drop some of these songs from A CHRONICLE OF MIDNIGHTS here and talk about them. EMINENT GRACE (track #2) is a song that has this underlying anti-religious institutonalism vibe to it, although not directly. Think of it as Galileo verse the Catholic Church. Or a big middle finger…
New Song: Sucubus
Sometimes, you don’t really get a choice in what a song is about. It’s not like I sat there and planned to write a song about the mysteriously weird love affair that is Kellyanne and George Conway. But there it was, presented by the universe one afternoon while strumming guitar. I really like it, in…